Photographer: Alessandro Frezza
Retoucher: Emiliano Calavera
Make up artist: Diana Padelli , Divina Diana Make up
Hair Style: Antonia Renèe Ninni’
Uno shooting firmato da Alessandro Frezza, celebre fotografo delle supermodels negli anni’90 con 3 mood e 3 stili diversi di
1) dark style tra il fetish e il nippon con tanto di kimono di raso di seta nero.
2) elegant man style ma stravagante e un pò dandy con tanto di bastone con pomello in peltro, cravatta verde sgargiante , occhiali viola.
3) “cold weather man” mood and style con tanto di montone shearling, boots , cognac e atlante storico-geografico.
Photographer : Alessandro Frezza
Retoucher : Emiliano Calavera
Make up artist : Diana Padelli , Divine Diana Make up
Hair Style : Antonia Renèe Ninni ‘
A shooting signed by Alessandro Frezza, famous photographer of the top Supermodels in the 90s with three different styles and moods of intellectual man.
1) dark style between fetish and nippon with a black silk-satin kimono
2) elegant man style but quirky and a little dandy with stick with knob in pewter, bright green tie , purple glasses .
3) “cold weather man” mood and style with sheepskin shearling coat , boots , cognac and historical-geographical atlas .