Model: Oscar Putrino (
Art director: Oscar Putrino / Peppe Geraci
Stylist: Oscar Putrino
Hair style & Make up: Marisa Bonomo
Photographer: Peppe Geraci
Shooting realizzato presso l’impresa di costruzioni edili “Ciderplast” con tutte le attrezzature tipiche di un operaio di fabbrica: muletto, trapano, cemento e calcestruzzo, vernici…
Un operaio immerso nel suo duro lavoro tra sudore, olio e polvere con qualche vanità maschile nascosta nonostante fatica e stanchezza.
Shooting made at the building construction company “Ciderplast” where there are all the typical tools of a construction worker: fork lift, drill, cement, varnish…
A worker absorbed by his hard job among oil, dust and sweat but who keeps a hidden male vanity in spite of strain and weariness.
Model: Oscar Putrino (
Art director: Oscar Putrino / Peppe Geraci
Stylist: Oscar Putrino
Hair style & Make up: Marisa Bonomo
Photographer: Peppe Geraci